We are proud of where we serve, and proud of what we do.
Lincoln County Power was created in 1935 after the Nevada State Legislature passed an act that provided for the creation of power districts. The Lincoln County Board of Commissioners appointed J.H. Buehler, Wilson W. Grubbs, and Arthur W. Thomas to be Lincoln County Power's first Board of Trustees. Once formed, the newly created Lincoln County Power set about to construct the necessary electric transmission lines, distribution lines and substations, and to contract with the Colorado River Commission of Nevada for hydroelectric power from Hoover Dam. With the facilities constructed and contracts in place, electric power flowed into Lincoln County for the first time on September 1, 1937.
Much has changed over the past eighty-five years at Lincoln County Power, including our legal status. In 1970, the District was reorganized under NRS 318 as a General Improvement District. Presiding over the reorganization at the first meeting of the new Board on July 23, 1970 were William R. Orr, W. Emrys, Richard L. Decker, Joseph D. Wilkin, Harry H. Horlacher, and General Manager/ Secretary George Heidenreich.
Although Lincoln County Power has grown and changed over the years, one thing has remained the same, our desire to provide reliable electric service to our customers at the lowest cost possible.